During COVID19 I created a poster campaign for TAFE Digital School. The school offers a big range of subjects and courses online. The campaign covers a bunch of different courses and will be shown in the city as a single poster or a serie.
Bebas Neue is a sans-serif font. The font works great in big sized Typos even like 60pt and plus without falling out too bold and still looking elegant because of its more likely condensed cut.
As the main Font for the text, I used Montserrat which is a san-serif font as well. Montserrat works for short and long-form content and is a basic font with more character than Arial or Helvetica. In lowercase, Montserrat, is still a nice font with a nice large x-height and a lot more character than Arial or Helvetica.
For the entire design, I choose complementary and split-complementary colours. The triad colour scheme, with the equal distance between all colours, is equal and doesn’t cause a clear dominance of one colour but still separates them clearly.